So I realize throughout all my posts I've mentioned this, I've never actually told you what it is!
For those of you who don't know what a gel manicure is, it's basically a regular manicure with a different process, and it stays on for almost 3 weeks!! I got my kit by this awesome company called "Sensationail" which I purchased at CVS (on vacation!)
The process pretty much is, you prep your nails normally (buff, file, cuticle care)
Then you use a lint-free wipe and a special gel cleanser (which comes in the kit) to get all the yuck off of your nails. You use a gel primer (which is really liquid-y) and you brush it on with a tiny brush. Then you let it air dry for 15 seconds. Then you use a special base coat (make sure NOT to get any of it anywhere else than your nail), and cure it in this special LED light for 30 seconds, which hardens it instantly. Do NOT touch your nails during any of this. Then do one thin coat of any brand's colour gel polish. I chose coral sunset (also by sensationail) cure it for 1 minute, then another coat and another 1 minute cure. Then apply the special gel topcoat and cure it for 30 seconds. Wipe again with the gel cleanser, and you're finished!! :D
I found the entire process really easy, and awesome!! This picture is after four days! Still shiny, still un-chipped, still great! I picked off a nail or two in stress and re-did them, but they were perfect before!! What I'm trying to say is that there were no chips at any point! All damages were inflicted by ME!! There is no way thought that you can damage the middle of your nail in any way, I picked it off from the sides. I would also avoid textured walls. I accidentally ran a nail into a textured wall, and it left a little dull spot, but it kind of... disappeared? IDK how it happened but... it's good I guess! :D I had some trouble doing my opposite hand, but it turned out okay! :)
Overall, I was really happy with how it turned out!! I would totally recommend it!! :D If you want more information, definitely visit their website!! They have some really nice colours as well :)