
Monday, May 28, 2012

Elegant Nail Art - Monsieur

So today I did these really cute "Elegant Nail Art - Monsieur" (did I even spell that right? IDK) So it's just a cute little monocle, and a little moustache! I only did it on my ring finger, but you can do it on whatever finger(s) you want. I'll post a swatch of the base colour I used some time soon...

So you just start with a little circle...
 And then I used this "Kiss Nail Artist" pen to draw a little moustache and finish the monocle. I'm on the fence about this pen, because after it's been on for like 10 minutes it kind of cracks a little... O__o is that normal? Or, like, I'm not really sure :D
 This is just the tip of it, you can see it's pretty small.
 I bought this moustache themed gift for my friend, and the chick at the counter gave me two free moustache erasers, so I kept one and gave her the other, but I don't really want to use it because it's TOO CUTE.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

OPI Barre My Soul Swatch

I'm totally in love with this sweet OPI natural pink tone, Barre My Soul!! It's from their NYC Ballet collection, and I got it on clearance at London Drugs for $6 about a week ago. In this picture, it's the first try shaping my nails square (ish) and I think that's how I'm going to wear my nails from now on :) I'm working on growing them out and stronger, but it's not going too well... :/ If anyone has suggestions for how to make them healthier, please tell me!! :D