
Monday, May 28, 2012

Elegant Nail Art - Monsieur

So today I did these really cute "Elegant Nail Art - Monsieur" (did I even spell that right? IDK) So it's just a cute little monocle, and a little moustache! I only did it on my ring finger, but you can do it on whatever finger(s) you want. I'll post a swatch of the base colour I used some time soon...

So you just start with a little circle...
 And then I used this "Kiss Nail Artist" pen to draw a little moustache and finish the monocle. I'm on the fence about this pen, because after it's been on for like 10 minutes it kind of cracks a little... O__o is that normal? Or, like, I'm not really sure :D
 This is just the tip of it, you can see it's pretty small.
 I bought this moustache themed gift for my friend, and the chick at the counter gave me two free moustache erasers, so I kept one and gave her the other, but I don't really want to use it because it's TOO CUTE.


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